All About YOU

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A compilation of subject matter as seen from my viewpoint. There is no secret or hidden meaning, so read it "as is." There is NOTHING to read between the lines. This forum I use simply to sort my thoughts, feelings, ideas, and insights, not as an avenue for communication.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

No Miata, no mansion, no worries....

I got to thinking about our trip to Springdale and to Tulsa. While we could not have had more fun, felt more special, and basked any more in our financial fantasy, I'm just betting we have fewer "headaches" than rich people.

Are they happier than we are? Not always. One can be happy poor or rich. There are some pretty miserable wealthy persons, and there are just as many paupers.

I've lived not really wealthy, but much more financially well off than I am living right now. I didn't have to estimate the cost of what I had in my basket while shopping. I didn't have to look at the price of any item I wanted, I simply pitched it into my shopping cart.

I had every amenity a person could want and still have to work outside the home. I had the 3-bedroom home with a fireplace and 2.5 bathrooms. Had the garden tub in the master bathroom and the walk through closets.

All I wanted? Was to be loved and accepted for the person I am. Validated, I suppose. To be treated as if my opinion mattered. I had all the beauty surrounding me. I had never been so miserable. No material possessions could make up for living in a micro managed, controlled marriage.

Today I have a tiny mobile home equipped with one tiny little bathroom. The furniture is old and worn, my former nice furnishings long since sold at a court ordered auction.

But I love, and I am loved--unconditionally and completely. No one tries to change who I am nor quell my thoughts, feelings, or actions. I am number one in someone's life. That's all I ever wanted. I am content. I am happy.

I am so thankful for the blessings in my life today. Oh, yes, I get impatient, and I get anxious, but more than that, I have peace within the confines of my tiny little trailer, and that can't be bought. I know--I've tried.

I'm still working on video and slide shows from our trip to Tulsa. I hope to have them available soon.

A little off.........

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