All About YOU

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A compilation of subject matter as seen from my viewpoint. There is no secret or hidden meaning, so read it "as is." There is NOTHING to read between the lines. This forum I use simply to sort my thoughts, feelings, ideas, and insights, not as an avenue for communication.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Maggie and her empty bowl

I have tried for the longest time to get this posted or sent in some way. To me, it is one of the funniest things I have ever seen and I am lucky enough to see it almost daily.

Mag-Pie is the sweetest, most intelligent, loving, loyal, unassuming puppies I have ever know. She has such a personality! Never will she beg, but she can stare even a child down if she's hungry enough.

She's a quick study, but what she does in the following video was nothing she was taught. This one, she taught us!

Well, well, well.....after working with this video all day and half the night, I never could get it to load. BUT!!! I have my very own YouTube channel and you can watch it there! How cool is that??

You should be able to just click on the link, but if it doesn't work or for some reason doesn't take you there, cut and past. As always...leave me a message about what you think of it!

A Little Off...........

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