All About YOU

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A compilation of subject matter as seen from my viewpoint. There is no secret or hidden meaning, so read it "as is." There is NOTHING to read between the lines. This forum I use simply to sort my thoughts, feelings, ideas, and insights, not as an avenue for communication.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Bah Humbug, Hoopla, and Hubbub

The first thing I did when I got to my parent's house was to try to email and to post, and last, but not least, to upload. My emails went right through (up to 65 pictures to one such recipient), no problem whatsoever. The posting--no problems. And if my computer hadn't frozen or locked up (whatever the correct term is...) the uploads would have gone through as well. In fact, they were 96% done as it was.

My deduction, then, is the problem lies within my Internet, or rather, my LACK of an adequate Internet. Which, I suppose, should be a relief. That should be a problem easily fixed. It had better be!

We are readying our homes for our European family member, Pat. Tom and I will be picking her up at the airport on Saturday evening. I am so excited! We are ever so thankful we are able to web cam, however, there is nothing like being able to have that physical touch.

I'm a very demonstrative person, and when I am talking and joking around, I often will touch the person I am speaking to. A pat on the arm, a pulled punch on the shoulder, a slap on the back, you know the kind.

And Pat has always been my biggest fan and supporter. She would (and still does) laugh at the lamest of my jokes. I think if I held my mouth just right and looked at her cross-eyed, she'd laugh. That just encourages me--much to the aggravation of my dad.

He says when Pat and I get together it is as if time has gone back 45 years and we are giggling little girls again. We do have our private little jokes and sign language. Don't all sisters?

I've already been given strict orders that there will be no fussing around with holiday decorations and the like. (Bah, Humbug!)
So, while Mom and Daddy were out today, I found in the closet one of my favorite of Mom's Christmas decorations and hung it up.

This decoration is made of the twinkling little multi-colored lights strategically placed in the bottoms of clear plastic drinking glasses and formed as a big ball of mistletoe. I've always loved it and I like that it can be "programed" in several different way for varied effects. My personal preference is the fade in, flash like mad, and fade out.

I didn't think that was too awfully much to decorate with. And it does lend such flavor to the room, and indeed is surly a pleasure to passersby.

Abiding by Scrooge's...uh...I mean Daddy's wishes, I'll keep the hubbub at a low simmer for his sake. I would say that Daddy is like this now because he is a bit older than he once was, however, he was not all about the hoopla in his younger years as I recall.

Just the fact that we all will be together once again will be enough for me. So many plans, so little time. But we're ever so thankful for the time we do have. God bless us every one! (as per Tiny Tim)

A Little Off..................

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