All About YOU

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A compilation of subject matter as seen from my viewpoint. There is no secret or hidden meaning, so read it "as is." There is NOTHING to read between the lines. This forum I use simply to sort my thoughts, feelings, ideas, and insights, not as an avenue for communication.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Maggie shares....

This costume was just too dang cute not to share! Kilo (his "daddy" is in law enforcement, can you tell by the name? LOL)is our little neighbor dog. He's a Yorkie and is as cute as a bug--forgive the pun. LOL His "mommy" laughed and laughed when she saw her little boy dressed like a ladybug!
I hope you enjoy watching Kilo and Maggie as much as we did!

We did our early voting yesterday. No lines!! Hooray! They had electronic voting "booths," so no hanging chads....remember??

I have worked with this computer all day today right up until we went to church. My laptop is wireless now, but there are still tons of things that need to be ironed out. For instance, the main computer has a connection running at 100bps, and this is running (for reasons unknown to me) at 54bps. I'm not sure that is "normal" for a secondary pc or what.

So, trust me when I tell you I have gone where no man has gone before on this particular computer. I'm not thinking I've done any damage that I can't back out of, but I will know more about that as I find there are fewer and fewer tasks I am able to complete in the future. LOL

Not nearly often enough I get to converse with my sister via webcam. She lives in Germany and it is such a blessing to be able to see her on a weekly basis.

Long, long ago, in a land far, far away, prior to faxes, email, pc's, and webcams, my precious sister had to rely on news from "the states" by way of "snail mail."

One would starve to death for news waiting for me to write a letter! By the time I wrote it and sent it, the "news" was over a week old. Now I can talk a person's ear off, but all the years of nursing shorthand ruined my penmanship, and frankly, my desire to pen my thoughts after a grueling day at the hospital.

Admittedly lazy and not a lot of self-discipline, (unlike my oh-so-disciplined self now! **eye roll**)how thankful and welcoming we all were with the introduction of the fax machine!

The very thought that someone could receive news in just the time it took to type it and run it through a machine was baffling. We were just awestruck!

It wasn't without flaws, however. Since one or both parties didn't have an actual fax machine, rather used the fax feature on a PC or the fax was used primarily for business purposes, timing and synchronizing was crucial.

Invariably, either the business line was ringing busy, or there was a computer glitch, and a phone call (a buck a minute, thank you!) had to be made in order to make faxing "arrangements." Remember, that was before the days of cell phones and text messaging.

E-mail-- not soon enough--entered the scene. It just couldn't get any better than that...or so we thought.

"Camming" is just the best! Well, with the exception of slow internet connections, software and hardware difficulties, intermittent choppy sound, and occasionally, no sound at all.

All in all, even with its hair-pulling problems, I'm very thankful for the ability to share my day-to-day life with my sister and her family. We've come a long way. Technology has its pluses.

Wow, not even midnight and I've blogged. I may get the hang of this after all. The true test of self-discipline will come in the next few days. Tom and I will be going out of town for a few days. We will be joining my parents at my brother's house. Gotta love that house...but that's another story for another day..... wink..

A Little Off......

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