Realize that I have not participated in Halloween festivities in over 15 years. I broke out of all that is sacred, through caution and tradition to the wind. I was excited to be the one to answer the door and greet some gaily, fancifully dressed, wide-eyed, chocolate wired children. It's been too long!
But, long before it was time for the fun part....there were things I had to do first. You know, the not so fun preparation. For instance, I love my meatballs, but don't especially like going to the store to buy the ingredients.
There was an up side to having to get out today, though. We got to go by my sister-in-law's workplace and take pictures of her, her co-workers, and their workspace. It was decorated you will see when I post their photos.
My parents would soon be here and I still wanted to tidy up the house a bit and start supper before I even thought about turning the attention to myself and my costume.
Shopping went smoothly, with the exception of the check-out lady who was the equivalent of A Christmas Carol's Ebenezer Scrooge. Some people just simply should not be allowed to work with the general public. It just isn't good personal relations. Moving right along......
Starting the meatballs as soon as I got home, ASAP I grabbed a dust mop and quickly skimmed over the hard wood floors and wiped down the bathrooms. Recruiting my brother to monitor the meatballs, I then concentrated on the over-all appearance of th house. You know, the scan one might do if company was expected. Right on cue, my parents pulled in the driveway.
We visited for a very short time when I invited Mom into the kitchen to help prepare the salad. She began washing and slicing tomatoes as I then turned my attention to the garlic bread. Uhhhh.....which reminds me.....just now.....that no photos were taken as is tradition for the sake of my sister, in Germany.
I had every intention of documenting the whole ordeal, but as time would have it, I didn't get to complete the meal, I merely started everything. My monitoring brother ended up putting everything on the table as I had to quickly prepare myself for our trick-or-treating guests.
Not unlike any other day, today time got away from me. Before I knew it the doorbell was ringing and I didn't even get to treat our first visitors, the zombie (my sister-in-law) got/had to!
Soon thereafter, I was ready and outside perched on a little park bench strategically placed between two huge pine trees in the front yard while the rest of the family was feasting at the dinner table. I ate 2 1/2 hours after that.
I had such great fun! I was, after all, dressed as a princess! Albeit a dead one. Before the night was over, I had that "princess/prom queen wave" down perfectly. My brother had placed a flashlight on the ground to the left and to the right of me like spotlights and I, for once, was the star! Not a dog, not a bird, not a prop, or a stand-in, but the real deal! The star!
It goes way see, my sister is the, and has from day one been the drama queen. In her younger days, she was not only the star of her block productions, but was the producer, director, coach, manager, and in charge of part casting. Which, incidentally, was why I never had a speaking part, didn't even get to whine as the dog or squak as the bird, and was dang thankful if I was cast as anything more than a tree or a frog. And if I complained...I was banished from her kingdom altogether! LOL
Yes, tonight was my night! There were no body doubles, no stand-ins, no-one to take from me what I have deserved for 51 years! My public adores me and it was overwhelmingly obvious to me as the evening wore on. There were mothers and fathers who asked my permission for a photograph of their child(ren) taken standing next to me. They knew they were in the presence of royalty!
Yeah, so I milked it....for all it was me! LOL I did have such great fun and my adoring fans were honored to be given the privilidge of being seen with me in public--as if I were a regular, common person. I do hate to put on errs, you know....
And now it is time for my spotlight to fade. Again, to the dreaded part. The make-up removal, the shower, and the scrubbing this gunk out of my hair! LOL
You've been most generous with your time in reading my blog. I do enjoy it so. I hope you have, too.
And to all of you "little people...."
Good night~~~~~~~~
A Little Off..........................